With a single device HALO provides Building Health Monitoring, Indoor Air Quality Monitoring, Vape Detection, THC Detection, Gunshot Detection, Emergency Key Word alerting, Audible alerting, Light/Occupancy alerting, Chemical alerting, VOC alerting, Tamper alerting as well as Temperature, Humidity and Pressure alerting.
Halo Vape Detector & Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Device
HALO uses a Dynamic Vape Detection algorithm to automatically learn the environment and alert when Vaping is detected. HALO is the only product that can alert and differentiate between Vaping, Vaping with THC, and intentionally masking Vaping behavior by using aerosols to cover up Vaping.
HALO provides both a real-time Air Quality and Health Index that sends alerts when either index falls into danger zones. Receive critical automated reports that show a healthy indoor environment and/or validate that facility improvement is needed.